Population Comparison
Population Comparisons are available for HRV Score and heart rate (other biomarkers coming soon!). These ranges can show a user how their measured value compares to population, subpopulation, or demographic norms. The population comparison results come from data from over 660,000 unique users across all ages, genders, fitness levels and over 80 countries and short Readiness/Recovery measurements (1-5 minutes).
For more information on how to get population comparison results, check out the Population Comparison Data GET endpoint on our Spren API page!
In order to receive subpopulation heart rate variability and/or heart rate results, age and/or gender needs to be posted.
- male
- female
- other
The mean and range data for the requested biomarker will be returned based on the population or subpopulation filters.
For more information on population comparison results, check out the Population Comparison Data GET endpoint on our Spren API page!
The most common way of displaying the population comparison data is using a scale with the end ranges and population average for returned population data, although the population comparison data display is completely customizable to match the branding and user experience goals of your app. The population data presented can be for the global data (from over 700, 000 users) or filtered based on demographics such as age and gender.